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One-2-One Conversations are when you strike up a conversation with someone about the things of God.
How you going? Can I ask you an interesting questions?
Great, what’s you name?
(Only ask 1-2 of the following!) OK, (Say Their Name)
1. Can you name ten beers?
2. Can you name ten sports teams?
3. Can you name ten of you favorite TV shows? 4.
How about ten of your favorite places to shop?
Now, (Say their name) can you name all Ten Commandments? (I have yet to meet but
two people who could name all ten on the spot)
(After they struggle a little)
Let me ask, do you think you’ve kept the commandments?
Amazingly most say yes even if they can’t list them all. If the say, “Yes” proceed to take
them through the Law. If they say “No” just say, “So there’s a few you know you’ve
blown right?” Then, take them through the Law.
Hear, let go over a few of them real quick so you can see how you’re doing. (Do wait for
answer proceed to take them through the Law in this order exactly.)
Have you ever told a lie? (Yes) If I lie to you, what would you call me? (A Liar) So if
you tell lies, what does it make you? (A Liar)
Have you ever stolen anything? If you steal, what does that make you? (A Thief)
(FOR MEN) Jesus said, “It’s wrong to commit adultery but if you look at a woman with
lust you’ve already committed adultery with her in your heart.” Have you ever looked at
a woman with Lust? (YES)
(FOR WOMEN) Have you ever used the Lord’s name in Vain? (Yes) When you do that,
you essentially taken the name of the God who gave you life and exchanged it for a 4-
letter filth word used to describe disgust. It’s called blasphemy and the bible say God
won’t hold him guiltless who takes the name of God in vain.
So far, we’ve only looked at 3-4 of the commandment and by your own admission,
you’re a lying thief and an adulterer in your heart and you’ve got to face God on
Judgment Day. So, (Say their name)
if God judges you by the standard of his law, The
Ten Commandments, do you think you’d be guilty or innocent? (Guilty)
And do you think you’d go to Heaven or Hell? (In America, 40-50% say “Heaven”) If
they do say Heaven then ask them to try that in court. If you broke the law and the judge
was “Good” wouldn’t the judge make sure justice was served and you were punished? If
God is good He must punish murders, rapist, thieves, liars, etc. If He didn’t, “How good
would God be?”
If they say, “Hell” just ask, “Does that concern you?” Most will say, “Yes”.
Do you know what God did so you wouldn’t have to go to Hell?
Imagine you are standing in front of a judge, guilty of multiple serious crimes. All the
evidence has been presented and there is no doubt about your guilt. Your apologies and
good works cannot erase your crimes; therefore you must be punished. The fine for your
crime is $100,000 or 20-years imprisonment, but you don’t have two dimes to rub
together. They’re about to hall you off to serve your time when someone you don't even
know suddenly and unexpectedly steps into the court room and says “Judge, I sold
everything, I gave it my all to raise the money to pay their fine!” The Judge looks at you
and says, Sir/Miss “You’re free to go.” “Justice has been served and your fine has been
paid so therefore the Law no longer holds any dominion over you and therefore we’re
setting you free.” The court accepts the money and declares that you are free to go. The
law has been satisfied, your debt has been paid in full, and the stranger’s sacrifice was a
demonstration of his love for you. At that moment you have a choice, you can turn back
to the judge and say, “No thanks, I’m just going to do my time” or you could fall to the
feet of the guy that paid your fine and thank him. Which would you do?
That’s essentially what God did for you 2000 years ago. The Bible says that the God of
the Universe became a man (Jesus Christ), and suffered and died on the cross for your
sins and mine so that we could be set free. It's as simple as this—we broke the Law, and
Jesus paid our fine.
"God demonstrated His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for
us." (Romans 5:8) "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, being made a curse for
us." (Galatians 3:13) Do you see God’s great love for you? Do you see your need for His
forgiveness? Do what He commands and “Repent…that your sins may be wiped out and
times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” (Acts 3:19) You must turn away from sin
and turn to God. Desire to have NOTHING to do with sin, and surrender your life to the
One who can save you. Jesus died to set you free, and then he rose from death to be your
Lord. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father
except through me.” If you will confess and forsake your sins (repent) and trust in Jesus
Christ as your Savior and Lord, God will forgive you and you’ll pass from death to life.
So do you see the need for God’s forgiveness? Do you believe Jesus was the one and
only son of God who sacrificed himself to save you from your sins? Knowing that if you
died right now you would spend eternity in Hell for the crimes you committed against
God, why would you leave here without getting right before God? Do you want to turn to
the Judge, say no thanks and walk away or do you want to thank the guy that paid your
One-2-One Conversations is when you strike up a conversation with someone with the things of God.
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